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Engine Repair
By Sanumotors Research Team
Wed Feb 28 2024
Views: 631
I’m sure you’ve heard “Oxygen Sensor” before. But sometimes you may not know what it is or why it is so important. In this article we’re going to discuss , What is the Oxygen sensor? What are the symptoms of failing an O2 sensor?.and how to diagnose a Bad O2 sensor?.
Keep reading and you'll get a clear idea about it.
An oxygen sensor is a crucial thing in the exhaust system that plays a critical role in managing engine fuel combustion processes. Its primary function is to monitor the level of oxygen in the exhaust gases that exit the engine.This information is essential for the vehicle ECU (engine control unit) balance and maintain optimal air-fuel ratio.
Oxygen sensors generate an electric signal and send it to PCM (Powertrain Control Module) to measure the ratio of the air-fuel mixture. Each sensor constantly measures oxygen levels in exhaust flow and compares them to oxygen levels in the outside air.
Oxygen sensors have two parts, one part typically directly on to the hot exhaust flow.Another part located to contact with outside air. The chemical reaction generates because of the difference of oxygen levels. This chemical reaction generates low -level voltage between 0.1 and 0.9 volts. A reading below 0.45 volts means fuel is burning lean and above 0.45 volts means fuel is burning rich.
Oxygen sensors don’t need to be replaced regularly like brake pads.It will last up to 30,000 miles to 100,000 miles.It should be replaced as soon as after failing. When you have a bad oxygen sensor you'll meet these symptoms.
Check engine light can activate for a lot of reasons.O2 sensor failure can be one of the common triggers. As soon as you can book an appointment with us or your nearest repair centre. Instead of replacing the O2 sensor , always diagnose the issue. There may be some problems in other electrical or mechanical components. If you don’t have good knowledge, always seek professional help.
A failing O2 sensor can lead to poor fuel economy. If the sensor fails to deliver accurate data to EMS (engine management system). EMS will cause errors and increase fuel consumption,reducing mileage
Rough engine idle and misfires can be a result of Oxygen sensor failure Because of Unbalanced air-fuel mixture. Driving a vehicle can be unpleasant in these kinds of situations.
Failed O2 sensors can emit higher levels of harmful gases such as nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and hydrocarbons, leading to a failed emissions test.
Sometimes you may feel your vehicle engine performance has reduced. Faulty oxygen sensors can be a reason for that because incorrect air-fuel ratio can decrease engine performance.
There are several ways that a bad oxygen sensor can have an impact on your vehicle and environment.
Increased Environment Pollution - A damaged Oxygen sensor can’t feed accurate data to EMS.Unbalanced Air-Fuel mixture can be a reason for release of unburnt fuel,Black Smoke and Harmful gases.
Engine Damage - If you use your vehicle with a Bad O2 sensor for a long time. Incorrect air-fuel mixture will damage your engine and its components such as Catalytic converter which can be costly for repair.
Failed Starts - With an incorrect air fuel mixture you will fail to start your car engine because incorrect air-fuel mixture will disrupt engine ignitions.
A failed or Bad oxygen sensor can be a huge problem for your vehicle and environment. It can decrease your vehicle performance and engine health while damaging the environment. So always seek professional help to diagnose and take corrective actions to prevent engine damage and environment pollution.
For More Details you can watch video on our video :- Bad Oxygen Sensor Symptoms 2024 Guides
Mon Mar 04 2024